Tourist Attractions in Alicante – Capital of the Valencia Region

Tourist attractions in Alicante, Tourist Attractions in Alicante – Capital of the Valencia Region

A typical tourist town. It is one of the most important Spanish ports on the Mediterranean, connected by rail to Madrid and Murcia.
A busy coastal city with the magnificent ancient fortress of Castillo de Santa Barbara. Old narrow streets full of specific charm and history, along with numerous historical monuments, make up an extraordinary environment.

Tourist attractions in Alicante that are worth seeing:

Castillo de Santa Barbara
historic fortress, located on a high rock (Benacantil Mountain) above the old town of Alicante.The castle is located at an altitude of 166 meters above sea level, The origins of the foundation probably date back to the 9th century. In the 18th century, the military importance of the facility declined and it began to be used as a prison. In 1963, the abandoned ruins were adapted for tourism and opened to the public.

Basílica de Santa María
Basilica de Santa María is the oldest church and one of Alicante’s biggest attractions. It was built on the site of the former mosque, the largest in the city, between the 14th and 16th centuries. Most noteworthy are: The 18th-century main altar, an impressive 16th-century baptismal font and a Baroque organ from 1653.

Concatedral de San Nicolás de Bari
The Cathedral de San Nicolás de Bari was converted from a former mosque into a Christian church by King Alfonso X in 1662, built to a design by Spanish architect Juan de Herrera.

Ayuntamiento de Alicante
Alicante City Hall (Ayuntamiento) is located a short distance from the famous Explanda de Espana pedestrian promenade. This building, designed by architect Lorenzo Chápula, was built on the site of the old city hall and completed in 1760. S

Teatro Principal de Alicante
The Theatre of Alicante (Teatro Principal) was built in the mid-19th century to a design by Alicante architect Emilio Jover Pierrón

Explanada de España
The wide, pedestrian promenade was built in the first half of the 20th century and extends along the extensive waterfront line along the harbor.

Parque de El Palmeral
Parque de El Palmeral is located on the outskirts of the southern part of Alicante. Here you will find hundreds of beautiful palm trees and other magnificent specimens representing the local vegetation, in addition to numerous water cascades and a lake where you can navigate in small boats available for rent.

San Juan Beach
It is 12 kilometers away from the center of Alicante,an urban beach with a length of more than 3 km. There are many restaurants and bars on the promenade. Thanks to the environmental conditions, the beach has been awarded a Blue Flag.

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